Living Learning Community Housing Guidelines

Each Living-Learning Community has different guidelines when it comes to halls students are allowed to live in and if you can have a roommate who is not part of the LLC. Below, you will find a list of each LLC and the guidelines for first and second-year roommate selection.

If a student has questions about roommates or housing requirements for an LLC program, students should contact their program directly. 

Fall 2025 Incoming Students 

  • Students in an LLC program will be assigned to the LLC location 
  • During the assignment process, the Living Learning Community takes precedence. If your chosen roommate or bathroom style preference do not fit the LLC program, they will be disregarded and you will be placed in the LLC with a roommate at random.
  • Music and CoRe are the only programs a student can opt out of. 
  • All LLCs require students to have roommates from their LLC
  First-Year Housing Location Are Outside Roommates Allowed?  Can Students Select Suitemates?  Can You Opt-Out? 
Arts Snyder-Phillips Halls No  No  No 
CoRe South Neighborhood No Yes - if space allows Opt-Out Form 
DREW Rather Hall No No  No
James Madison College Case Hall No No  No
Honors College See Below No No  Opt-in on Housing Preference Form
Lyman Briggs College Holmes Hall No Yes - if space allows No
Music Mayo Hall No No  Email
RBC McDonel Hall No Yes - if space allows No
RCAH Snyder-Phillips Halls No No  No
RISE Bailey Hall No No No 


The Arts Living-Learning Community

The Arts Living-Learning Community requires all their admitted students to live in Snyder-Phillips Halls. 

Students in their second year in the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (RCAH) or those majors designated by the College of Arts & Letters may be eligible for the Arts Living Learning Community. Students interested in applying or learning more may contact

The First-Year Engineering CoRE Experience 


The First-Year Engineering CoRe Experience (CoRe) requests all incoming engineering students to live in South Neighborhood. Students that are part of the Honors College, as well as the College of Engineering, may select to live in designated Honors suites in Wilson Hall.  

If you have a preferred roommate that is not part of the First-Year Engineering CoRe Experience you will need to complete the opt-out form provided to be able to select a space outside the CoRe Living-Learning community. If you decide to do this, please know space in South Neighborhood is very limited and you are unlikely to be placed in another residence hall there.

Please submit your request to opt-out by completing the official CoRe Opt-Out Form by June 2.


Students moving into their second-year in the CoRe program can choose to live in Wonders, Shaw or Emmons Halls. Second-year CoRe students are not required to one of the aforementioned halls. 

During LLC sign-up, second-year CoRe students may not pull in a non-CoRe roommate. 

The Drew Scholars Program 


The Drew program requires all their students to live in Rather Hall. Students that do not want to live in Rather must contact the program for an exception. 


Students in the Drew Program can choose to remain in Rather Hall for their second year. During LLC sign-up, second-year Drew Program students may not pull in a non-Drew roommate. An exception is not required if a student decides to live outside of Rather for their second year. 

The James Madison College


The James Madison College (JMC) requires students to live in Case Hall. Due to the size of the program, JMC students must live with a fellow JMC first year student. Students must contact JMC to live outside of Case Hall. 


Students in their second year of JMC can choose to remain in Case Hall. During LLC sign-up, second-year JMC students may not pull in a non-JMC roommate. An exception is not required if a student decides to live outside of Case for their second year. 

The Honors College


The Honors College has designated Honors floors in Bryan, Holmes (LBC), Gilchrist, Mason/Abbot, Snyder/Phillips, McDonel, Case, Holden (Academic Scholars Program), Wilson (CoRe) Halls. Students must indicate they do not want Honors housing on their Housing Preference form if they would like to be placed outside of an honors floor. 

Honors College students in another living-learning program may have additional requirements from their academic living-learning community.


Honors floors for second-year students are located in Holmes, Gilchrist, Snyder/Phillips, McDonel, Case, Holden (Scholars), During LLC sign-up, second-year honors students may not pull in a non-honors roommate. An exception is not required if a student decides to live outside of an honors floor for their second year. 

The Lyman Briggs College


The Lyman Briggs College (LBC) requires students to live in Holmes Hall. 


Second-year LBC students can choose to remain in Holmes for their second year. During LLC sign-up, second-year LBC students may not pull in a non-LBC roommate. An exception is not required if a student decides to live outside of Holmes for their second year. 

The College of Music


The College of Music requests music majors to live in West Circle, so they are close to their classes. Students must email to live outside of West Circle or with a non-music roommate. 


Second-year music students can choose to remain in West Circle for their second year. During LLC sign-up, second-year music students may not pull in a non-music roommate. An exception is not required if a student decides to live outside of West Circle for their second year. 

The Residential Business Community


The Residential Business Community (RBC) requires all students to live in McDonel Hall. Students must contact RBC to opt-out of the program. 


Second-year music students can choose to remain in McDonel Hall for their second year. During LLC sign-up, second-year RBC students may not pull in a non-RBC roommate. An exception is not required if a student decides to live outside of McDonel for their second year. 

The Residential College of Arts and Humanities College


The Residential College of Arts and Humanities College (RCAH) requires all their students to live in Snyder and Phillips Halls. Students that do not want to live in Snyder-Phillips Hall will need to contact the college for an exception. Students must contact RCAH to opt-out. 


Second-year RCAH students can choose to remain in Snyder-Phillips Hall for their second year. During LLC sign-up, second-year RCAH students may not pull in a non-RCAH roommate. An exception is not required if a student decides to live outside of Snyder-Phillips for their second year. 



The RISE program requires students to live in Bailey Hall. 


Second-year RISE students can choose to remain in Bailey Hall for their second year. During LLC sign-up, second-year RISE students can pull in a non-RISE roommate. An exception is not required if a student decides to live outside of Bailey Hall for their second year. 



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