Residence Education and Housing Services (REHS) is committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, inclusive and safe environment for Spartans living in our on-campus residential housing community. We work through the values of diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice to build communities that encourage personal growth, relationship building and academic success.
We work to ensure Spartans have a positive experience while living on campus, both in our residence halls and apartments. This is your home during your time at MSU, and it should feel as close to home as possible. Our caucuses, resident assistants and intercultural aides offer support and education to help students thrive in building vibrant and engaging communities within and outside the residence halls and apartment communities.
We promote understanding and maintain a supportive and positive living environment through various programmatic initiatives that enhance personal and cultural awareness. We welcome you to connect and talk to us about your experiences and any ideas you have in creating an affirming and inclusive living environment for our Live On community.
Residence Education and Housing Services (REHS) aspires to become an antiracist/anti-oppressive department. The REHS Dashboard is a key tool for REHS to effectively change systems of dominance and inequity in the department and create a sense of restored community. The REHS Dashboard is also a strategic plan and approach to show progress on the achievement of our equity and justice education goals, as well as to respond appropriately and in a timely fashion to student demands/concerns.
Sign the Pledge
As part of our university's commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice, we are asking MSU students, faculty, staff and community members to join us in signing the following pledge:
I will work to make sure HATE HAS NO HOME HERE at MSU. I pledge to do my part in creating and sustaining a welcoming and inclusive environment at MSU. I pledge to not commit acts of hate. I pledge to be an active bystander and to prevent and address incidents of hate and bias.